Deferring, suspending or cancelling the overseas student’s enrolment

Deferring, suspending or cancelling the overseas student’s enrolment


This policy addresses the procedures that Imperial will follow in deferring, suspending or cancelling a student’s enrolment. The policy also covers student access to the complaints’ and appeals’ procedure if Imperial initiates a suspension or cancellation of enrolment.


This policy/procedure supports “Standard 9” of the National Code 2018 and SRTO’s 5.2. The following procedures will ensure Imperial follows the required process when a student wishes to defer, suspend, or cancel their enrolment with Imperial.

Students are able to initiate deferral or suspension of their studies only in certain limited circumstances as described below.

Students may also have their enrolment suspended due to misbehaviours which can also be grounds for cancellation of studies.

Students have the right to complaint and appeal a decision by Imperial to defer, suspend or cancel their studies.

Imperial may suspend or cancel a student’s enrolment including, but not limited to, on the basis of:

  • misbehaviour by the student
  • the student’s failure to pay an amount he or she was required to pay Imperial to undertake or continue the course as stated in the written agreement
  • a breach of course progress or attendance requirements by the overseas student.

Retrospective Suspension or Deferment

Imperial will not authorise and report a deferment or suspension retrospectively unless there are unusual circumstances. This may include medical emergencies or any compelling and compassionate circumstances.

Student Deferral

A student wishing to defer an enrolment must do so prior to the commencement of the course. Students must complete an ‘Application to defer, suspend or cancel enrolment’ and submit to the Student Admissions Department.

All application for deferral documentation will be kept on the students file and DHA shall be notified via PRISMS of the decision to defer the enrolment under section 19 of the ESOS Act.

Student Suspension

Imperial is only able to temporarily suspend the enrolment of the student on the grounds of compassionate or compelling circumstances.

Student Cancellation

Students wishing to cancel their enrolment must complete an ‘Application to defer, suspend or cancel enrolment’ and submit to the Student Admissions.

Students wishing to cancel their enrolment prior to completing 6 months of study in their principle course must provide letter of offer from an alternative provider. This is required under Standard 7 of the National Code and further information can be gained from the ‘Transfer between Providers Policy/Procedure’.

All application documentation for the cancellation will be kept on the students file and DHA shall be notified via PRISMS of the decision to cancel the enrolment as a result of the student’s request change to the overseas student’s enrolment under section 19 of the ESOS Act.

Student Misbehaviour

Imperial can choose to suspend a student’s enrolment as long as it is in accordance with its documented procedures. Imperial informs the students, prior to enrolment, of the grounds on which their enrolment may be suspended or cancelled.

Imperial considers following actions by student as misbehaviour:

  • Bullying other students and/or staff
  • Harassment
  • Damage to the Imperial property
  • Theft
  • Using vulgar language on campus
  • Possession of drugs or firearms
  • Wilfully disobeying college policies