
Learners Access to Records


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure Imperial compliance with SRTOs and to ensure that learners’ records are systematically managed. Learners’ records are defined as enrolment details, learning support needs, records of complaints and appeals, outcomes at unit of competency level and qualification level, statement of attainment and qualifications completed and issued.


Imperial will systematically collect, record and store records of learners’ participation and course progress in their training program. We define the systematic collection, recording and storage of records as:



Imperial will ensure it operates consistently with the National Privacy Principles and only collects the personal information that is necessary for the conduct of its business, and that it will use that information in the manner for which it was intended.

No records are made available to any third party without the express consent of the student, that ID of any person including the student requesting information will need to be provided. That information will be withheld without proof of identity.

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