Monitoring course progress – International Students

Monitoring course progress – International Students

Imperial has in place policies and procedures for monitoring, recording and assessing the course progress of each student for the course in which the student is enrolled. Policy and Procedures outlined in this document are not only applicable to the study conducted at the theory and practical classrooms but also to the work based training and practical placement, which is an integral part of the completion of some qualification(s) at Imperial.  Imperial has implemented the DET- DHA course progress policy and procedures for all its courses as listed on the CRICOS register at


This policy and related procedure relates to the monitoring of students’ course progress and the consequent procedures for reporting for unsatisfactory course progress.


This policy and procedure applies to all overseas students studying at Imperial


Terms Definitions
Appeal Request by a student to have a matter heard and/or re-considered after receiving an unfavourable decision.
At Risk Being “at risk” of not meeting satisfactory course progress requirements means:·         Failing more than 50% of units in a study period
Intervention Strategy An individual plan to provide course support and/or assistance to an international student identified ‘at risk’ of achieving satisfactory course progression.
Not Yet Competent (NYC) Not meeting the required performance criteria to achieve satisfactory outcome for the unit
PRISMS Provider Registration and International Students Management System 
SatisfactoryCourse Progress An international student is displaying satisfactory course progress if the student is achieving a competent result in all assessments for all units of competency undertaken in a given study period and is on track to successfully complete their course within the expected duration of study as per their COE.
Study period Study period means one term of study of 13 weeks (including course delivery, assessment, public holidays and break).
Work based Training (WBT) Any required period of training that occurs in a workplace as part of the qualification
Unsatisfactory Course Progress Unsatisfactory progress is defined as a student not successfully completing or demonstrating competency in at least 50% or more of the course requirements in two consecutive study periods.


Course progress relates to assessment of competency as the student progresses through the qualification that uphold the academic integrity of the registered course and meet the training package requirements, and processes to address misconduct and allegations of misconduct.

For the purposes of this policy unsatisfactory course progress is where a student has not achieved competency in more than 50% of units of competence undertaken in any two consecutive study periods of the qualification.


For Imperial to show it is complying with Standard 8, it has the following as evidence:

  • a documented policy and procedure for monitoring, recording and assessing course progress;
  • a documented intervention strategy for students at risk of not making satisfactory course progress;
  • evidence of assessing students’ course progress at the end of each study period;
  • documented evidence of the intervention measures implemented for them;
  • evidence of written notice informing the students that the provider intends to report them for not making satisfactory progress and advising them that they are able to access the provider’s complaints and appeals process within 20 working days;
  • evidence of an appeal in accordance with Standard 10, if a student appeals; and
  • evidence in the student’s file of final reporting via PRISMS in accordance with section 19(2) of the ESOS Act (if applicable).

Intervention strategies may include:


  • Advising the student on the suitability of the course that they are enrolled in
  • Arranging extra learning support, if required
  • Arranging for complementary English classes, if required
  • Arranging counselling for assistance with personal issues
  • Providing advice regarding study habits
  • Providing opportunities for students to be reassessed or to repeat subjects
  • Arranging to vary or reduce the enrolment load for the following semester
  • Providing advice re-course suitability (i.e. Literacy, Language and Numeracy)
  • Allocating a new individualised study course for the following study period. Such an individualised study course may include repeat units in addition to the normal study course or in place of units specified in the normal course.

The student

  • Undertaking re-assessment in each of the units not deemed competent
  • Undertaking a period of study during the scheduled break between study periods
  • Repeating NYC units during the next study period by
    • Attending additional classes
  • Being required to undertake additional English language classes prior to re assessment

In most cases the agreed actions, may require the student to pay an additional fee for additional tuition or assessment services.

  • Tuition @ $12 per class hour


  • Re- Assessment @ $200 per unit

Students who fail to achieve competence in a majority of units of competence undertaken during this study period will be advised that this lack of satisfactory course progress in two consecutive study periods could lead to the student being reported to DHA. These students will be classified as being “At Risk” and recorded on file.

A report of non-attendance at the meeting will be put on the student’s file if despite the best endeavours of the college the student does not attend the meeting.

Monitoring of students “At risk” during a consecutive study period

The course progress of ALL students classified as being “At Risk” or who are undertaking repeat units in any study period as a result intervention strategies put in place in the previous study period will be monitored in an ongoing way.

  • Any assessment undertaken by the student in any unit undertaken in the study period that achieves other than a competent result will be recorded and may require the student to immediately discuss their course performance with the Course coordinator.
  • All results of these students will be reviewed at the midpoint of the study period by the Course coordinator. This will be done by examining the students allocated study course and by examining the course results provided by trainers for the units, comprising the study course, undertaken during the study period.

Students who, at this midpoint, are displaying a lack of satisfactory course performance in their new units or in units being repeated will be contacted by the Student services coordinator to attend a meeting with the Course coordinator and/or trainers to discuss their course progress. Contact will be through personal contact, telephone and/or email and/or sms or, at last resort, mail.

The purpose of this meeting will be to determine the reasons for the ongoing lack of satisfactory progress and to develop strategies involving student support and student action to assist the student to gain competence by the end of the study period. Outcomes, actions and agreements of that meeting signed by the Course coordinator and/or Student services officer and the student will be given to the student and a copy kept on the students file.